Humans love to name things. We name people, animals, cars, species, planets, stars, we classify everything. Even things that debatably don't exist. For instance, time. What is time? No, no, think about it for a second. If someone came out of the jungle and said "what's time?" What would you say? (my favorite site in the FREAKIN WORLD--it's saved my butt so many times) says: the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another. It sounds all beautiful and all, but that just says 'it's the order in which things happen'. Its a way to measure out how things are in relation to one another.
So, it's a way of measurement, one might say. But what is measurement? It's something we have created! We named the meter and defined it and it is now considered a thing, but it's not. Without us naming it nothing would change, obviously. It is something we have created for our own purposes. And it's very useful, I understand that. I know why we did it and all that. It's just made-up science.
So now back to the time thing. Some say that time is the fourth dimension. That makes it a thing, correct? Maybe. I have heard theories that time is nonexistent because everything is happening right now. That there is a billion planet Earths, one being created every second, every plank time (that's an explanation for another post) and they are all exact photocopies of one another. Some say that if this were true then we could time travel. We could jump from Earth to Earth and see different stages of time. But then is it really time? Then it would be different stages, or something. If that turned out to be true, then we would have to change the name, because there is no fourth dimension--just many many many third dimensions. Whoa. So, time doesn't exist. What else have scientists made up?
A surprising amount, actually.
Dark Matter. The definition of this stuff is pretty much 'we can't see it, can't feel it, can't detect it, but we think it's there.' Wow. Okay, so though I am an extremely skeptical person, I do know that scientists don't just make up stuff for fun. Ha ha. Imagine a congregation of scientists: 'what can we convince them of next?' Ha ha! Anyway, the universe is expanding. Surprise! When the Big Bang (again am explanation for another post if you don't know exactly what that is) happened about 14 billion years ago, the force of it kept us going for a long long time. We are still being pushed outward from the explosion. But, the strange thing is that we are slowly speeding up. Imagine a bomb going off. The little sphere starts small, gets really big really fast, and then starts to slow down in it's expansion. But the universe isn't going like that. The universe started expanding really fast, and then like a car driving in a race, just kept speeding up. Now, I'm the first to admit this is really weird, but I think the explanation is not to say "well, it's probably something that we can't see feel or detect in any way." What?! No, we have to study more into gravity, investigate, find more. Not just make up dark matter to explain it.
And the best part is, they've made up two things! Dark matter, and dark energy. Dark energy is the exact same thing, just energy that we can't detect. Okay. Come on. I think that the answer to solving this problem lies more along the lines of gravity working differently than we thought than a bunch of 'stuff' in space pushing everything apart.
And some scientist thought the same way. He started looking into gravity and learning more about it. But it got to taking too long so he just made up a new thing to solve it.
The graviton! Wow. We do not know how it works, but it magically causes gravity. Okay. See, personally, I have always thought gravity seemed simple. Things gravitate towards each other, it's as basic as that. I guess it might not be, of course, I'm not very experienced with anything like that, but I do know it's not as simple as a particle that "makes gravity happen."
I certainly hope I don't sound like I hate scientists or that I cannot stand anything not backed completely by evidence, but I do get frustrated when these scientists can't find anything right away so they make something up and call it good. The time thing, however, is quite fascinating. Think about it; what is your definition of time? The things we do as human beings...They're quite interesting to think about when you stop and comprehend it.
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